I have been talking to some of my friends who have iPods and they are complaining that it's hard to open yourself up to new music. You tend to listen to whatever you have on your iPod and sometimes you forget to update it and you listen to the same old stuff over and over again. So I thought I might propose an iPod Swap thingie.
How this works: you send an e-mail to ipodswap@gmail.com saying that you want to swap your iPod for 5 days (working week). We pair you up with someone, you exchange e-mails and meet to swap your iPods. You listen to the other person's music for five days and then you meet to get your iPod back.
Some rules:
- you must tell us if your iPod is customized for Mac or PC
- you must make sure your iPod is NOT set to "automatically sync to iTunes"
- you must have AT LEAST 100 songs on it
So that's pretty much it. If you think this is something fun to do go ahead and write (or post a comment here)
with all due respect io gasesc ideea tricky si un pic naiva din motive de gusturi muzicale :-) prefer sa imi schimb/upgradez/cultiv gusturile muzicale altfel decat ascultand 5 zile muzica de la un strain.
how about using last.fm - pui ce ai si primesti o gramada de sugestii care s-ar putea sa ti se potriveasca
this is the best idea i've heard in a long time :D
i'm in. my ipod is customized for Mac. but strangely enough it seems to work on PCs too. (not set to sync ofc)
Eu vad alta mica problema:
Oare ar da cineva un iPod mare si nou pe shuffle-ul meu mic si vechi? N-ar trebui sa se faca schimb intre iPod-uri de aceeasi valoare ca sa nu ii fie nimanui frica de furturi?
In rest mi se pare o idee excelenta. Mai ales din cauza diferentei de gusturi muzicale. As lua chiar si iPod-ul unui manelist, sa aud exact ce are in cap.
Eu bag shuffel-ul meu cu muzica de pe Mac sau PC - in functie de cerere. Doar ca nu e chiar shuffel-ul meu ( am facut exact un schimb de genul asta cu un prieten si am ramas cu ele schimbate de jumatate de an )
OOHHHH da. Eu ma bag.
Oricand. Pe incredere. Imprumut Ipod 60 de gigi vechi color. Primesc si shuffle. Numai sa dea muzica noua.
Game on Bogdana. Ca de obicei numai idei bune.
FelIpod merge si pe mac si pe pisi la fel de bine. Nu reconoaste decat pe mine ca autoritate suprema.
In rest multa muzica buna zic eu.
Awesome idea :D
I guess I'll buy an ipod soon so I can join :)
@everyone, THANKS! deci oameni buni dati mail pe adresa. Eu am unul de pus la bataie deja.
re. furat iPod cred ca ideea e ca nu citesc blogul asta niste hoti si apoi ca ma astept ca un om cu un ipod sa il iubeasca deci sa il trateze cu respect si pe al lui si pe al altuia
@dragos, cred ca e mult si despre new stuff and new people. mi s-a mai dat last.fm ca optiune insa pb e ca stai acasa singur cand faci asta :-) asa mai cunosti un om, mai stabilesti o legatura.
Ai mailul meu.
Un Nokia cu hands free de-ala fain nu primiti? :P
bogdanchikova, i feel a potential for a dating agency spinning off that...
@andrei K :-) I see how you would :-P also there's at least four girls meeting for a swap tomorrow so GET AN IPOD FAST
hey, when you write "four girls meeting for a swap"... the only (stupid) reaction you'll get from me is... can you pls videotape it? ))))
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