communication is essential to business making and it involves more than the ability to name your product, write a tag line or a press release. It's an intricate, rational and scalable effort and, let's face it, not anyone can do it.


Why I don't go out

because I spend every minute of my workdays interacting with people, from 8 am to 10 pm. and then I need time to think

Andrei Plesu explains it here

"Singurătatea e materia primă a reflexivităţii şi a construcţiei de sine. „Dumnezeu – s-a spus – e ceea ce fiecare ştie să facă cu propria sa singurătate”. Nu se poate trăi prin aglutinare, nu se poate supravieţui interior în condiţia unei sociabilităţi perpetue. Sfârşeşti, inevitabil, prin a-ţi pierde chipul, prin a deveni un ins statistic. Orice om are nevoie (chiar când nu-şi mai dă seama) de episodul nutritiv al unei confruntări solitare cu adâncul şi cu înaltul său, cu terorile sale, cu portretul său, cu unicitatea destinului său."

[solitude is the raw material of reflection and self building. God, it was sai, is what each one of us knows to do with his/her solitude. one cannot live through bonding, one cannot maintain one's inner self under in constant sociability. one eventually ends up losing one's true nature, becoming a static individual. any person needs (even when we don;t realize it anymore) a nourishing episode of confrontation with one's depths, heights, faces, unique destiny.

via Tolontan

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