communication is essential to business making and it involves more than the ability to name your product, write a tag line or a press release. It's an intricate, rational and scalable effort and, let's face it, not anyone can do it.


Twitter break

I have decided to stop using twitter for a while.

I spent a couple of days analyzing the actual use of twitting other than being in with the "cool crowds" and realized that if I subscribed to all the "cool crowd" most of the content I got was on where they spend their coffee evenings and with whom.

If I subscribe to follow only some people who seem to use twitter as a shorter form of blogging, I generally get less information that i would if i simply read their blogs. Guy's twitts so far ar the only ones which I have found to include some form of usable content.

Also, what bothers me is the rat race to getting people to follow you so you feel even more bound to post trivial stuff about yourself. The ability to track a person's dates, life, flirts, business pitches and personal pitches by twitt disturbs me. So, I'm taking a break for a while until we get over the voyeruism of sharing our personal time with the rest of the world :-). This should give me more time to take care of this poor blog.

I know I promised cake to some of the followers when i hit 100 (actually 200 since the promise) which I will do. If you want to meet for cake I will be at Creme Caffe at 9 on Sunday. Come over for a chat, for real, not on twitts :-)


Anonymous said...

pentru mine twitterul e asa un fel de bligg sau digg. mai vad si eu ce au scris altii pe blog. uneori mai microblogaresc si eu pe acolo dar most of the time scriu ce fac. is that wrong?

Bogdana Butnar said...

naah, not wrong at all. this is just my personal thing: I am already overloaded with stuff that needs to be done and I feel no value coming from Twitter so far. minimal, what I'm doing right now stuff is okay I guess but turning it into a worldwide YM is just ...well, not for me :-)