communication is essential to business making and it involves more than the ability to name your product, write a tag line or a press release. It's an intricate, rational and scalable effort and, let's face it, not anyone can do it.


Twitter time-thief

Despite my attempts to shun Twitter my robot has just informed me that I still spend a lot of time on the service despite my obviously dwindling number of twitts. This can only mean that my theory, Twitter is actually about spying on other people and messenging without an actual messenger than about "what are you doing now?", is true.

Also I have found, thanks to rescutime, that I watch too many movies, spend a shamelessly little amount of time looking after my blog and reading feeds.

What app monitor do you guys use?


Anonymous said...

No time management, i enjoy wasting time, it's really relaxing :D

Anonymous said...

Aaf, ceva off-topic, doar de entertainment: nu stiu cine are contul Raiffeisen, Gav, Saatchi, dar m-au facut sa rad. S-au gandit, asadar, sa vina masiv cu guerilla intrusivo-aglomerata peste noi la Metrou, ca suntem captivi de bunavoie. Si au lipit Raiffeisen peste, well, cam tot. Inclusiv pe scarile de la Unirii, unde cea mai de jos scara ne informeaza: “Esti cu 34 de pasi mai aproape”. Apoi a doua : “Esti cu 33 de pasi mai aproape”. Asa ca, pe masura ce urci, in loc sa te apropii de agentia Raiffeisen, esti tot mai putin aproape, deci mai departe: “Esti cu 2 pasi mai aproape”- zice penultima, pentru ca in final, cea mai de sus scara sa ne spuna ca “Esti la un pas de o agentie Raiffeisen”.
O-cheeei, someone was really tired or is missing logic here :P

Bogdana Butnar said...

sebastiano, gand la gand, citeste postul meu cele mai recent. se pare ca oamenii investesc masiv in publicitate de doi bani si mai putin in produs :-)