communication is essential to business making and it involves more than the ability to name your product, write a tag line or a press release. It's an intricate, rational and scalable effort and, let's face it, not anyone can do it.


What I am up top these days

I will be doing a workshop for AdFel this weekend (starts Saturday and ends Sunday). I am not sure what you have to do to get in, some details here, but I am sure you can come and hang out La Motoare because I will be around sometime lunch Sat and Sun.

Also wrote this article for Capital about country branding. Frankly it's my favourite one so far, so I might even try to translate it :-).


Anonymous said...

The article in Capital in nice, from the heart and somehow well writen.I would just like to remind you your own words in a comment on this very blog saying that advertising has no morale and everything is about how smart are people able to do it.If there is no contradiction with your article then country branding should not be done by the same people. G

Bogdana Butnar said...

@anonymous, multam de observatii {in romana, ptr ca daca ai citit articolul vorbesti/citesti romana} am si eu schizofreniile mele insa e posibil ca acel comment la care faci referire - care? BTW - sa fi fost, cumva, la misto :-). oricum, in ton, dar poate nu si in spirit, cu ce spui tu ei eu cred, si ziceam, ca mai bine ne ocupam de produs decat sa mai facem branding peste branding. poate si pentru ca deocamdata nu avem agentii care sa aiba puterea de caracter sa zica nu facem brosura frumoasa la hotel de doi bani

Anonymous said...

:)))) nu vad sa apara agentii asa vertebrate...e in contradictie cu regnul lor (cum ziceai aici Din ce mi s-a intamplat mie cu multe ori nici nu pricep produsul despre care trebuie sa faca propozitii, daramite sa se abtina de a comunica ceva ce nu le-ar cadea bine ca si consumatori. Revenind la branding-ul de tara, zic totusi ca asta e vis de marire pentru ad-vertisti ce nu merge neam abordat cu acelasi mindset pur comercial.E genu\ de comunicare care se varsa in sine daca nu e sustinuta de un produs cu care ai luat tzeapa exista alternative, la tara nu prea merge. G