communication is essential to business making and it involves more than the ability to name your product, write a tag line or a press release. It's an intricate, rational and scalable effort and, let's face it, not anyone can do it.


Three memories

I am trying to not put in the context of what is happening today, or everyday for that matter. That is why I only took pics of one and will maybe post it here later. but so far, from this holiday I take away with me:
- walking home from a dinner and looking at my block of flats with its over 200 windows and seeing just ONE window lit up with xmas lights (last year it was blinding, filled with the gaudiest of garlands and decorations)
- an oversized Bugs Bunny doll ( probably as tall as I am, and I'm 6'1) sitting in a seat on the Underground. I saw it going to and later that evening saw it coming back from a friend's place, always in the same seat, like it was waiting for someone
- a chimney sweep, with a huge black hat and red shoes hitchhiking from Deva to somewhere.


Corina Bordeianu said...

Regarding the xmas decoration I think you're overreacting, probably due to the advertising crisis. Before Christmas butcheries and digital camera shops like F64 were the place to hang in and do many research interviews and see there's no crisis in .ro. :)

Bogdana Butnar said...

bai, pe bune imi doresc sa fie asa. problema e ca mi-e greu sa cred ca din toata lumea asta noi o sa scapam neatinsi, indiferent daca scapam ptr ca suntem mai prosti sau mai destepti. deci fingers crossed :-)