communication is essential to business making and it involves more than the ability to name your product, write a tag line or a press release. It's an intricate, rational and scalable effort and, let's face it, not anyone can do it.


chaaaaairs, yummmm

Mr. Impossible via

Local telco makes Romanian terrorists

According to this poster by the London Police, terrorists use lots of phones and sims. Now, if we are to believe that, Cosmote - our generous green local operator - is enabling terrorists because, thanks to its ridiculously generous sims, some Romanians - e.g taxi drivers - have even up to 10 phones. :D

Different holiday

This is one of the most interesting things I have ever found. It is an observation of life which you can control...have a bit of patience, watch it with intro and then enjoy

And these are audiovacations, a compendium of recordings of places from around the world. Just in case you want to close your eyes and be somewhere else

And in case you want to not close your eyes, takes you traveling to places you may never get. in video


here all of them via here

Saturday evening


The coming of age of a generation

Romanian advertising focused on local insights seems to have turned a new page. If in the past, we used Romanian references to awaken poignant and sad memories

or absurdly laugh at times when we were "not having all that much fun"

today, it seems that a new age has become of interest for Romanian advertising. I am talking about the 70s and 80s when the current generation of creatives and marketing managers were in their late infancy or early teenhood and had fun listening to Compact and Pheonix in Costinesti and eating their grandma's marmalade with the radio tuned to Romania Actualitati blasting Carmen Radulescu.

These were good times, so we have started seeing more and more references from those times to trigger positive associations in people's minds (not just negative or parodic ones). Especially music.

Like here

or here

or here

or even in the latest by CEC Bank (featuring some nice retro sounding music). That recent retro is becoming interesting is also proved by this humongous thread of retro Romanian stuff created by Igu on Maybe linked with this also

Google analytics

When they work, they give you interesting info. For instance, I used to think, and most of my blogger friends told me, that my posts are way too long and nobody reads them because of that. I also tend to write long rambling sentences which is not blog etiquette.
Interestingly enough, in analytics, my most accessed posts are the longest ones (which should make the one below this one the most popular of all) and my least accessed is one where I simply said I had had a bad day :-).
hmmm, food for thought.

Lousy customer service

I have only ever written on post in Romanian on my planning blog and it was when I switched off my previous blog. Today I have to take a stand against poor customer service and must do it in Romanian because it happened in Romania.

"Am incercat ca orice roman naiv sa lucrez cu o banca in ideea ca nu mai are rost sa strangi bani la ciorap, cum faceau mama si tata, pentru ca traim intr-o tara europeana cu organizatii europene unde creditarea nu este un proces absurd si nedorit.
Am gresit.
In cazul meu greseala s-a numit Raiffeisen Bank, sucursala Aviatiei, unde m-am dus fara figuri de om care cunostea seful de pe retail de la RZB, fara fitze de om de publicitate, fara nimic dar cu bunavointa de a face tot ce este necesar ca procesul sa decurga simplu.
Am trecut de trei ori pe la banca cu dosarul ca sa ma asigur ca totul este okay: am intrebat ce documente, le-am adus spre a fi verificate, le-am modificat atunci cand mi s-a cerut, am sunat sa verific daca faxurile trimise au ajuns, am trecut sa vad daca mai e nevoie de ceva, am trimis si documente absurde doar ptr ca banca mi-o cerea. Din punctul meu de vedere mi-am facut datoria de umil client cu diligenta, fara a incerca vreun moment sa bypasez sau sa insel sistemul.
Reactia din partea Raiffeisen Aviatiei a fost pe masura diligentei mele, numai ca invers proportionala: oamenii au uitat sa imi proceseze dosarul, cand i-am sunat sa ii intreb daca l-au procesat m-au mintit ca l-au procesat (sefa de sucursala, care apoi a plecat in concediu fiind imposibil de gasit), m-au trimis la centrala unde omul de la linia verde (pentru nu poti, pe bune, sa suni direct la centrala) mi-a spus, dupa ce m-a tinut LA TELEFON 20 de minute, ca nu are niciun fel de informatii pe care sa mi le poata da si sa sun la sucursala care ma directionase catre ei. Inapoi la sucursala am dat peste o domnisoara extrem de ambetata care intai s-a recomandat cu alt nume, apoi la 15 minute dupa ce sunasem a disparut in concediu medical pentru ca sa reapara apoi magic cand am spus ca tocmai ce vorbisem cu dansa. Desi maximal incompetenti, angajatii au fost extrem de protectori intre ei, refuzand sa imi spuna numele oamenilor care uitasera de dosarul meu sub pretextul absurd ca nu il cunoasteau: cu alte cuvinte oamenii din banca lucrau acolo fara sa se cunoasca intre ei. Mi s-au avansat urmatoarele deadlineuri de rezolvare a dosarului (desi pe site scrie 48 de ore): in trei zile, pana vineri (adica dupa o saptamana), candva saptamana asta, nu stim exact, cand sunt gata colegii nostri de la analiza. Nu vreau sa mai vorbesc despre detalii minore legate de curtoazia minima de a suna TU un client caruia i-ai bushit dosarul, si nu sa il pui pe el sa sune din 15 in 15 minute pana gasesti tu datele. In final, dupa o discutie neplacuta la telefon, mi s-a spus ca am doua solutii: sa astept sau sa trec sa imi iau dosarul pentru a fi procesat de alta sucursala.
Pentru obiectivitatea relatarii, dupa o saptamana de nervi si telefoane lungi - platite de mine - cu oameni care fie nu stiau nimic, fie minteau cu nerusinare, am dat de o dra bine intentionata, care m-a suplicat sa o inteleg pentru ca fusese operata, se intorsese din concediu medical si care si-a cerut scuze si mi-a promis ca ma ajuta sa rezolv. Nu a putut insa sa imi spuna cand si cum urma sa compenseze cele doua saptamani pierdute. De fapt, nici deadline nu a stiut sa-mi dea. M-am simtit tratata "excelent", am plecat, patetica, cu dosarul nerezolvat, cu impresia clara ca poate Raiffeisen sa mai deschida inca 500 de sucursale - cum spune reclama - ca eu nu voi mai calca in niciuna si cu gustul amar ca prietenul meu Virgil are dreptate cand spune ca traim intr-o cloaca de nesimtire si lipsa de profesionalism care ne abrutizeaza. Bleah! [in retrospect, daca dra amabila - ale carei pb personale nu le contest - ar fi avut ideea "geniala" sa imi propuna sa proceseze dosarul pe loc, sau sa stabileasca o intalnire ferma ptr ziua urmatoare la prima ora, as fi cedat si as fi continuat cu ei. Dar dansa mai avea, conform spuselor colegilor, inca doua zile de concediu si nu se facea sa si le pericliteze ptr un client oarecare...]
Ca om de comunicare - ca sa nu ma dezic de la profilul blogului meu - am invatat ca degeaba dai milioane de euro pe media ca sa povestesti cum noi "reusim impreuna" (sloganul extrem de ironic in context al bancii Raiffeisen) cand singurii care incearca in "parteneriatul" asta iluzoriu sunt doar amaratii de clienti care se straduie sa traiasca intr-un mediu civilizat. Problema e ca sindromul leopardului e omniprezent intr-o industrie [bancara] care vrea profit cu orice pret, chiar cu pretul reputatiei sale. De acum inainte o sa fac ce m-a invatat Serban: o sa testez fiecare produs inainte sa il "promovez" si, daca nu merge cum zice clientul, o sa am de grija ca primul slide in ppt-ul de prezentare sa spuna "oricat de buna e reclama ce urmeaza, daca nu va reparati produsul ea va fi inutila"

Today's bads

Besides having had a nasty experience with Raiffeisen Bank I also get this image whenever I click on Mail in yahoo.
Bobby?... Have I been banned :-)


Twitter time-thief

Despite my attempts to shun Twitter my robot has just informed me that I still spend a lot of time on the service despite my obviously dwindling number of twitts. This can only mean that my theory, Twitter is actually about spying on other people and messenging without an actual messenger than about "what are you doing now?", is true.

Also I have found, thanks to rescutime, that I watch too many movies, spend a shamelessly little amount of time looking after my blog and reading feeds.

What app monitor do you guys use?


Local talent strikes again

After their nation-wide sensation spoof, Claudiu and Co are back with another piece of work
fun, fun, fun (although I sense I bit of an accent in the Dacian dude)

Planning hazardous for love life?

Trivially for Saturday night, Scamp has done a poll and planners are among the least likely to be asked out on a date by their colleagues
(pic from Scamp also :-)

"Subgroups" and "subcultures"

I had an interesting - if mildly annoyed time at AdFel today (yes, Costin, you did piss me off) because we talked, TRANSIENTLY :), about the use of special-interest groups in advertising. Sometimes referred to as subcultures or subgroups or niche groups, these include anything from emos, artisans, goths, skaters, ravers, hippies, Vamaiotzi, you name it.
And one thing that did get me thinking was the idea that there are a number of subcultures which are simply off-limits for communication because they are deemed "inferior". Anyone listening to manele is part of a group which advertisers won't touch unless to poke fun at. Equally mockable but uninteresting for communications are the Romanian nouveau riche (recognizable by their white SUVs, all black suits and propensity for Armani, D&G and Cavalli) or the yet-unnamed huge number of people watching Romania's crazy tabloid TV station OTV.
The reason behind this hands-off attitude is, as always, fear: fear that the animosity mainstream Romanians feel towards these groups will affect brand equity and sales. Brand managers assume all their consumers are decent, elegant and nice, and fear the day when they will have to slum it with subcultures.
BUT, OTV is among the highest rated TV stations in Romania: fact. Hi5, with specially designed Cavalli wallpaper pages by 14 yos from Popesti Leordeni (that's the equivalent of a small white trash town in the US) beats Facebook: fact. People who are willing to slash out on 100k white cars probably are more likely to buy higher margin products: learned assumption.
So, what do we do? Do we hang on to an elitist and somewhat narrow minded understanding of what is culturally acceptable or do we try to capitalize on these so-called subcultures?
[and in case everyone is worried we will damage our cultural heritage, please remember this is not culture as in arts and sciences but popular culture, much harder to control and sway by institutional means].


McDonalds automated in Bucharest

I have been following McD's in Romania lately because somehow their development strategy seems to be smarter than expected.
After introducing free wifi in all restaurants and creating new design location for super/hypermarkets, they seem to be upgrading their McDrive with what Romanians have only been seeing in movies: order booths. Behold the future of McD in the making! :-)
Also, it seems that with no proper hang-out locations, McDs are also becoming after-club get-together places for the young and restless of Bucharest (like IHOPs in the US)

iPhone in Romania since last night

Orange Romania launched the iPhone last night after its Bucharest concept store displayed a big countdown on its facade for a full day. Queues were visible since 6 pm on the evening before the launch. :-)



So, the digital age does make everything possible, putting all you love in one place. Here is my convergence gem: Izzard + iPhone + wikipedia. Now all it's missing is a chair and a bar of chocolate :-)
BTW: behind the silly paragraph above there is an interesting question of performance enhancement via web 2.0

Thanks gizmondo

What I am up top these days

I will be doing a workshop for AdFel this weekend (starts Saturday and ends Sunday). I am not sure what you have to do to get in, some details here, but I am sure you can come and hang out La Motoare because I will be around sometime lunch Sat and Sun.

Also wrote this article for Capital about country branding. Frankly it's my favourite one so far, so I might even try to translate it :-).


Calling digital planners

I am interested in getting together with people who think they fulfill the role of digital planners in their agencies.

If you think you're a digital planner or are interested in digital strategy can you e-mail me or leave me a comment here and I'll try to set up something for next week?

Superbad is superbad :-)

Y'all need to see this movie :-)

APG updates

Please read this if you're interested in running for the board of APG Romania and also to find about updates on what we have been up to. Thanks Costin and Razvan

Planning in Ro loses key person

I don't particularly get along with Razvan Matasel (Leo's former Head of Planning) mainly because people tend to tell me that I am the female version of him. Which is annoying for several reasons I won't get into. But one thing that I will never deny about him is that he's played a key role in shaping planning in Romania. I know there are people said to have been planners before Matasel but, if anything, he should be credited with getting agencies to think about having a planning department.

And no, this is not an obituary - he's not dead. Just leaving Leo to start his own thing.

Two things come to mind:
1. How will Leo fare now that its entire senior team has been slashed down to zero?
2. Will Razvan join the now pathetically long list of people starting strategy consultancies or will he surprise us all with a more innovative [and lucrative] concept?

And also, this latest announcement makes me realize that maybe, after major upturns in the industry, we are finally seeing a renewal spirit blowing through. Maybe with younger people invading the now-empty senior positions in multinationals and with seniors forced to think outside the box, in their new positions as business people, communication will be revived.

... ?



One article it took me forever to read through although it's mainly pictures :-). Defcon conference surveyed by Wired.
Pic courtesy of Wired blog.



Priceless ad

This is sheer brilliance. Thank you BoingBoing


Music 2.0

Watch Juno on HBO, pick up on Sonic Youth, search youtube, embed

Cultural trends

the best stuff still comes from NY :-)

movie site

Monsters in advertising



The Joker

I think I like what the new Joker portrayal by late Heath Ledger is doing to pop culture :-)
via boingboing