communication is essential to business making and it involves more than the ability to name your product, write a tag line or a press release. It's an intricate, rational and scalable effort and, let's face it, not anyone can do it.


One should not look for excuses for one's country

I don't usually write about social and political stuff because I try to keep this as much a reflection of what I am doing professionally as possible. However, these days I cannot help noticing how deranged this country of ours is. It may be that I have developed a form of oversensitivity to real circumstances what with spending most of my waking hours surfing the Net to read about cool stuff, but somehow thing are amiss with Romania and I don' understand why.

If I was a comedian I would take solace in realizing that stupidity has an in-built comic element if you are not personally touched. Witness these...

1. Sector 1 City Hall is trying to be inclusive and allowing flat dwellers to vote for the color of the paint that is to be used on their building. Large billboards show pics of what the building will look like with the two coats of paint and you are invited to vote. The problem is the paint is the same color. Brown. Light brown or dark brown. Virtually undifferentiated. And furthermore, eventually the building gets painted
I am hoping this is a result of democracy and of people choosing neither light nor dark brown. And I am looking at the comic part of it.

2. The city reeks because of the uncollected garbage. And this morning I found what they came up with to fix this. No, it's not collecting the garbage: it's spraying the sidewalks with fragrance water. So now everything smells like dishwater..... and uncollected garbage.

3. Street cleaners: their job description includes the necessity of keeping things CLEAN. But they are picked from among the most unclean people possible (of course because no clean person would do the job) and they are not trained so if you watch them sweep, it's painful to see how much dirt they actually leave behind.

4. We are in deep deep financial crisis. So deep, jobbing websites only search for top management because all other positions are being made redundant. And yet the only thing the government worries about is elections and how to rig them. They do so publicly. They do so with such disregard to what we care about that it makes me sick.

I am tired of the stupidity and lack of decency in this country of ours. I am tired and disappointed and I would leave tomorrow given the chance, with one purpose only: to drag my parents out of here too.


BMoro said...

I know too well this feeling, Bogdana...

Blegoo said...

Ei... hai ca nu e dracu' chiar asa de negru...
Ia sa vedem:
Coreea de Nord?
Cuba? (hai ca aici cunosc... :) )
Si ar mai fi, daca stai sa cauti.
Io cred ca tu singura te montezi spre panica si scarba; ori, asta nu e bine. Nu rezolvi nimic, nu schimbi nimic, doar iti faci singura rau...
Ce treaba ai tu cu vopsitul blocurilor? Da-i undeva cu vopseaua lor cu tot. O sa se cojeasca la loc in 3 luni, nu?
Gunoiu' si gunoierii? Nu baga in seama, zic. Nu conteaza, o sa treaca.
Criza si guvernul? Pai... acuma fi sincera: ce-ai vrea tu sa faca guvernul? Sa tipareasca bani? Sa dea la toata lumea 3 chile de faina si 4 paini?
Sa creasca impozitu'?
Sa declare razboi bulgarilor?
Sa mute Romania pe alta planeta?
Ce-ai face TU daca ai fi GUVERNU'?
Cum ai rezolva TU treaba?
Adevarat, nu e raiul pe pamant, da' se poate si mai rau - asta in mod sigur.
Situatia in care suntem e CEA MAI BUNA POSIBILA date fiind conditiile generale - sociale, culturale, economice, politice, ce mai vrei tu sa adaogi...
Se poate si mai rau; dar nu mai bine de atat.
Vezi de treaba ta, fa-o bine si spera ca si altii o sa procedeze la fel.
Pasaportu' nu-i o solutie, zic.
Hai, zambeste, ca depui acelasi efort ca si cum te-ai incrunta.

Mo said...

Another opinion :

just seen this earlier and then what you wrote. Different opinion from different angle. But isn't it all, in the end, 100% subjective? ;)

Bogdana Butnar said...

@BMoro :(
@Blegoo ce sa faca guvernul??? probabil ca glumesti cand intrebi asa ceva? pai uite, asa la prima mana, de la o absolventa de litere iti zic ce ar putea sa faca: sa dea free la investitii gen aia facuta de coreeni la Rasnov, sa trimita doi dintre dobitocii lor de ministrii prin dubai unde curg banii ca sa vanda acolo niste cereale si fructe de padure de la noi, sa concedieze pe bechtel si sa ia o firma mica dar care face. asa, din poignee zic eu

Blegoo said...

@Bogdana Butnar: Glumesti si tu, banuiesc... :)
dar hai sa te iau in serios:

Sa dea drumul la investitii straine in Romania? Credeam ca s-a dat drumul mai de mult - poate stii tu altfel. Problema nu e ca legislatia nu permite - problema e ca investitiile straine s-au imputinat, din felurite motive.

Sa trimiti delegatii comerciale in Dubai sa vinzi afine si zmeura?
Una la mana, ce te face sa crezi ca arabii mor dupa fructele noastre din padure? Daca erau hamesiti, cereau ei, nu?
Doi la mana, la nivel de comert international nu poti sa vinzi cu cornetu', ca in gara la Busteni.
Lumea nu discuta la nivel de o laditza, doua laditze. Lumea discuta la nivel de zeci de tone.
Crezi ca e posibil sa organizezi infrastructura necesara pentru a pieptana padurile patriei de fragi si mure?
Eu zic ca nu. Nici macar marele impuscat n-a reusit.

Bechtel... zau, de la tine ma asteptam la mai mult. Crezi ca poti sa reziliezi un contract gen Bechtel la fel de usor cum dai afara o secretara?
Hai sa zicem ca ii concediezi.
Hai sa zicem ca platesti despagubiri cu milioanele.
Ce faci dupa?

Iei o firma mai mica...

Privesti lucrurile usor simplist, cred eu... la nivel national, treburile nu merg la fel ca si cum iti renovezi tu faianta in baie. Nu-ti place de unu'... hai, flit!, ca il chem pe Gheorghe SRL...

Adevarat, guvernul nu face superb, fura cat poate si ia spagi.

Considerand natiunea, cultura si mentalitatea - asta e maximum ce se poate face.

Nu e prima data cand am un dialog d-asta...
Mai era cineva care imi dadea exemplul Irlandei. Ca aia au guvern destept, alea-alea...
Am zis: " Crezi ca daca schimbam guvernul MAINE... si il inlocuim cu guvernul irlandez, o sa ajunga Romania ca Irlanda?"
Iti pun aceeasi intrebare si tie. :)