communication is essential to business making and it involves more than the ability to name your product, write a tag line or a press release. It's an intricate, rational and scalable effort and, let's face it, not anyone can do it.


Another postcard

LATER UPDATE: cats2frogsters just informed me he is not the sender. Mystery remains...

A while back someone sent me a card with chairs on it and it was a great surprise to receive it as I am a huge fan of chairs in general. This week I received an identical card only with dogs on it probably following my general distress about accommodating the future planner dog. The (still) secret sender recommends that I get a golden retriever in an exquisitely orderly handwriting and in English. So, although I do appreciate the considerateness of the cards, I am having a bit of a mystery on my hands.
Judging by the fact that the card is from a French speaking country (French producer), it was mailed from Bucharest with a Romanian stamp and also by the obviousness of the fact that whoever sent it reads my blog, knows where I work and is adamant about putting the correct postal code in the address (plus the very telltale recommendation of a golden retriever) I think I might know who it is .... :-)
so, to all the cats and frogsters, thanks. I am probably going to go for a Beagle nonetheless ... :-)


Anonymous said...

"the card is from a French speaking country" has no relevance
elementary, my dear watson : )

Bogdana Butnar said...

Dear Sherlock, it does if you were wrongly assuming like me that I comes from someone with repeated access to French speaking countries. Wrong assumption wrong clue :-P

Zu said...

Wow, I am the proud owner of a Beagle, so imagine my surprise. Great choice! It's a very intelligent and sociable dog, but I have to warn you, it's also a very determined one :-).

Now... I guess I'll get on to writing that post about Biggy that I've been thinking about for such a long time)...