communication is essential to business making and it involves more than the ability to name your product, write a tag line or a press release. It's an intricate, rational and scalable effort and, let's face it, not anyone can do it.



Feels a bit strange to be writing about this in the midst of all of this turmoil, with Gaza, and people losing jobs, and people committing suicide over losing money and all.

BUT, as I dive into the recesses of the WWW I am getting this overwhelming feeling of deprivation, of being cut off from huge chunks of happenings, cultures and events which we can only feel our way around but never really get the full force of.

Everytime I meet my friends in Brazil and London, everytime I read the profiles of Onion readers in the Onion personals, everytime I look through the reading lists of Faris or Russell, and read them casually mentioning books they may have picked up while browsing, everytime I read the NYT movie reviews I feel deprived. Because with all the vastness of knowledge and openness that Internet is giving us, we still live in an area, in a region, in a country where there are no levers to make things readily available.

We need to call aunts from the US to get movies, to beg there is some nut uploader who thinks of indie movies when snatching that cam in the cinema, that the post office will not mess up if you order from amazon, to look for bootleg copies, to drag on colleagues who travel abroad to bring stuff. We are deprived. We used to be deprived of food, clothes - my mom did people's homework to get money to buy jeans, of basics. But now we have them, and somehow we are stuck at the stage where we enjoy being satisfied with the basics.

We are deprived of movies, books, exhibitions, music, series, posters, socks, boots, bags, stickers. And, OMG, are we deprived of decent TSHIRTS and of the casual discovery of good things. Because it's impossible to browse when you are deprived, discovery is not possible when you do not have the basics. We read memoirs of advertising people who have died a million years back, who speak of coupons and have never even heard of the Internet. We go to conferences to see people to invented marketing back in the 70s. We are catching up with decades of stuff and this prevents us from moving forward. Because we are deprived.
It took me two years before I first heard of them to be able to casually go and buy a gella skin.
Deprivation. It's stupid.


Anonymous said...

Ehei Bogdano. Frumos scris, frumos spus dar pana la urma totul se rezuma la absenta unei cereri semnificative. Esti un pestisor intr-un ocean ale carui dorinte un pic mai diferite sunt mai dificil de satisfacut tocmai datorita faptului ca sunt diferite. Traim intr-o lume in care e mai usor sa obtii profit vanzand cantitati mari si nu vanzand serii limitate cu marje de profit ridicate. Din pacate, niste conationali de-ai nostri ne-au dat peste cap credibilitatea pe e-bay si amazon astfel incat acum trebuie sa asteptam matusile si unchii de care pomenesti sa ne trimita dvd-uri, tricouri, etc.
It's all about marketing! :)

Anonymous said...

Didn't you feel a lot better when you were at the London Met? I know it's one of the reasons why I left Romania, deprivation was felt severely back then and I just couldn't stand not being able to do things because of the post, ID cards, credit cards and all that other crap.

If it's of any use, I can lend you my Athens login for academic journals and stuff :P

Corina Bordeianu said...

la MNAC se pregatesc sa aduca artisti mari (iese greu, bani putini), cu cartile te mai rezolva prietenii (mai trebuie sa dai o bere ceva), filmele si muzica le gasesti pe dawnl, restul pe Amazon. Gasim o solutie la orice! Mai trist e ca nu sunt oameni care sa caute aceleasi lucruri cu tine, nu ca suntem noi privati de multe...